Thursday 6 December 2012

More Illustration works

I looooveeee learning about other cultures ! every culture has their own uniqueness, and that's what influenced me a lot on my art works that i've been making.

Traditional Peking Opera / Beijing Opera / 京剧

Influenced by a Beijing Opera woman, i was watching a peking opera on youtube the other day and it was just woww ! like it blew my mind big times ! i was soo fascinated by the play, the way they move, their voices, expressions and all.. i hope i can go to Beijing and watch the play in flesh someday ;))) 

 Geisha / 芸者

Influenced by the famous geisha dancer ! since i'm a big fan of japanese culture it was pretty easy for me to make this one compared to the peking dancer ( i don't need to make some research and all :P ).

This one is actually my favorite, i enjoyed making the tattoo on her back the most !, it has soo much details and i love making details, that's the most interesting part on making an illustration design ;), i think i'm going to make a few more of a japanese traditional tattoo :D


  1. Authentic and lively! These artworks are very traditional indeed and they are refreshing to look at. You immediately know that this artwork is different from the others. Using strong and lively colors complement the already unique outline of traditional geisha drawings, thus making it more appealing.

    Sharonda Head

  2. Thank you very much for your comment !
    it's very pleasing to know that someone is liking my works :)
